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Your eyes can get sunburn. Protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.
What exactly are UV rays?

UV rays, short for ultraviolet electromagnetic radiation, are invisible waves emitted by the sun. UV rays are component of sunlight, just as light and heat. The UV spectrum is devided into 3 catagories of UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C, accoording to their wave lenghts.

UV-A rays have the longest wave lenght. It is responsible for tanning and causes premature skin aging.
UV-B rays have the second longest wave lenght. 90% of the UV-B rays are absorbed by the atmosphere. Though only a small UV-B component reaches the earthsurface, researches showed that it causes sunburn and it often associated with skin cancer and vision problems such as cataract.
UV-C rays is the shortest and most dangerous one. Luckily, all UV-C rays are absorbed by the atmosphere.

1. Sun exposure can damage your eyes as well as your skin.
2. Anyone who apends a day at the beach, goes sailing or skiing or walks out side is
vulnerable to eye damage from the UV rays.
3. Cloudy weather does not mean you don't need to protect your self from UV radiation, as up to 80% of UV rays can penetrate throught light cloud cover.
4. Remember, the sun does not need to feel hot to damage your skin as well as your eyes. The damage is done by the UV radiation, which is not seen or felt, so don't be deceived by mild temperatures.

Going to summer vacation? Make sure to pack tour wide-brimmed had, sunglasses and sunscream. If you are using contact lenses, ask your eye care professional for the ones that have UV-Blocking. Remember, if your sunglasses era not wrap-arround style, UV rays can leak from the side into your eyes and can damage them.

source: eye zone



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