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One of so many high risk job in the world is a nurse. They work in the front line as a health care provider. They have direct contact with infected people such as HIV, TBC, bird flu and many others.

Unfortunately most of people have different point of view about nurse job. They think that nurse not more than some body who help the doctor, taking care of elderly people, or even like a domestic helper with uniform. They dont know that to become a nurse, some one have to complete years of course and training.They have to take more and more years training to get specialization skill.

In modern country, nurse have an equal role with other health provider such as doctor or pharmacist. Patient need a nurse as well as they need doctor.
In poor or develop country, we will see different role of nurse in the comunity. Their role even more like doctor's service. They treat people as well as doctor treat the patient. They keep in touch with patient more than any one else even their family.

They put their self safety in order to save lives. They dedicate their skill to help other, no matter the risk will take. They put their live on the front line........


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Engineering job | Petroleum job | Nursing in mid east | Medical tech job | Medical Staff job | Hospitality job | Nurse job |